If you happen to be one of the few people who have been catching The Citadel Cafe on YouTube, I will not be posting the show there for the foreseeable future. We have run into some internet overage fees due to exceeding our bandwidth cap the past two months. The monthly cap is 250 gigs. Overage fees are billed at $1.00 per gig over the cap. We unfortunately do not have access to another internet service provider at our address. So, we are left to trim the fat on our usage. While I like being able to share the fun episode artwork associated with each new episode of The Citadel Cafe on YouTube it is not important to the overall content of the show. It was just another option for our listeners and potentially a means of snagging a few new ear holes. However, The Citadel Cafe will continue to be produced as an enhanced podcast (MP4) which will display the related episode art and link to the show notes page via compatible podcast apps, like Downcast.
Thanks for listening!