Friend of the show Bill Meeks is here to talk about his first novel, Dog Boy Den of Thieves. First time guest John Funk of _Funk Design fills us in on Enders Game and being creative in a tech-y world. Joel talks Hal-Con, CTNX and chickens.

All spoiler free!

If you’d like to contribute to the show – or be a guest – be sure to drop us a line via Gmail or Twitter.

Episode No: 088
Episode Title: Dog Boy Reverb
Episode Art: Paul Loudon

Hosts & Guests

Small Talk

Movies, TV & Video (Sometimes Video Games)


Internet Minute

Post Show Goodies


The Citadel Cafe is recorded live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern time on

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at

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Our friends Jocelyn (@GISgamer) and Ryan (@RMurphy) do The Gamers’ Inn Podcast on every Friday night at 8:30 PM Eastern.

Thanks for listening! Joel, Paton & Friends