We have an upcoming Holiday Special!

Join us on Wednesday, December 19th at 7:30 PM EST and share your favorite (or least favorite) holiday things. TV, movies, food, drinks, music. We want to hear it all. Email the show and we will set up a call for you to hang out with us on the show for a bit and chat holiday hooplah!

This week on TCC Episode 45 Paton has discovered Mader’s Tall Tales and where the bubble of Apple Customer Service pops. Joel introduced Jocelyn to Pan’s Labyrinth and the new iTunes 11 both to mixed reviews.

Don’t forget to leave us an iTunes reviewWe like those too!


Episode No: 045
Show Title: Happy Hanukkah Bitches


Small Talk

Movies, TV & Video (Games)



  • iTunes 11


Internet Minute


Don’t forget to visit our friends Jocelyn (@GISgamer) and Ryan (@RMurphy) at The Gamers’ Inn Podcast.

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com

You can email the show or send us a voice mail (.mp3 format, 1-2 minutes) to thecitadelcafe@gmail.com

You can also follow The Citadel Cafe on TwitterFacebook and Google+!

Don’t forget to leave us a fancy five-star iTunes reviews. It’s the best way for our podcast to reach new listeners.

Thanks for listening!

Joel, Paton & Chad