This episode of The Citadel Cafe is brought to you by
Starcrossed: Volume 1, available for pre-order now on Indiegogo.com

Ryan Murphy from The Gamers Inn podcast joins us to bring a little video game talk to the show. Both Ryan and Joel are excited to get their paws dirty as Pandaren Monks in the World of Warcraft, Mists Of Pandaria expansion. Paton has been watching movie magic behind the scenes on Faceoff and everyone geeks out over the new light-based 3D printer from Formlabs.

Have ideas for the show? Send us an email or hit us up on Twitter, @thecitadelcafe.

Don’t forget to leave us an iTunes reviewWe like those too!


Episode No: 036
Show Title: Warcrusher! In 3D



Small Talk

Movies, TV & Video (Games)



  • Kimbra, Vows (iTunes)
  • Mists of Pandaria, Soundtrack (iTunes link still pending)

Internet Minute

  • Paton Picks:
    • Mario goes berserk

Show notes by Joel (for now) but don’t forget to listen to Jocelyn (@GISgamer) and Ryan (@RMurphy) from The Gamers’ Inn Podcast.

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com

You can email the show or send us a voice mail (.mp3 format, 1-2 minutes) to thecitadelcafe@gmail.com

You can also follow The Citadel Cafe on TwitterFacebook and Google+!

Don’t forget to leave us a fancy five-star iTunes reviews. It’s the best way for our podcast to reach new listeners.


Thanks for listening!
Joel, Paton & Chad