Paton is… Not here. So, Chad and Joel copilot the latest Citadel Cafe. Back from vacation and possibly more tired than before it started. We chat The Dark Knight Rises ~SPOILERS~ True Blood, Hell on Wheels and the card game Munchkin.

The Citadel Cafe is recorded live, Wednesday nights at 7:30 Eastern. Come on out and join the fun! Thanks for the support to all of our regulars in the chat room.

Can’t make the live show? Drop us a lineWe always love to hear from our listeners. Ask a question, or share your geeky stories, internet picks, or recommendations. You can also reach us on Twitter, @thecitadelcafe!

Don’t forget to leave us an iTunes reviewWe like those too!


Episode No: 031
Show Title: The Bane Of Our Existence



  • None

Small Talk

Movies, TV & Video (Games)


Internet Minute

You can email the show or send us a voice mail (.mp3 format, 1-2 minutes) to

Show notes by Jocelyn (@GISgamer) from The Gamers’ Inn Podcast.

You can follow The Citadel Cafe on TwitterFacebook and Google+!
And don’t forget to leave us a fancy five-star iTunes reviews. It’s the best way for our podcast to reach new listeners.

Thanks for listening!
Joel, Paton & Chad