Joel and Paton strap in for some tech talk. Earlier this week Apple kicked off their World Wide Developers Conference with several new product and software announcements. We give you our general thoughts on the new stuff as well as what we think is missing. Joel has been watching Photoshop painting tutorial videos on Vimeo and Paton had a very special birthday.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the things we talk about. Drop us a line with comments or suggestions right here. As Joel mentioned on the show, a voice call or geeky segment for The Citadel Cafe would be most welcome! You can also reach us on Twitter, @thecitadelcafe!

As always, don’t forget to leave us an iTunes review!

The Citadel Cafe

Episode No: 024
Show Title: Its A Me Sexy MBP



  • None

Small Talk

Movies, TV & Video


Internet Minute

You can email the show or send us a voice mail (.mp3 format, 1-2 minutes) to

Show notes by Jocelyn (@GISgamer) from The Gamers’ Inn Podcast.

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Thanks for listening!
Joel, Paton & Chad