Jun 30, 2022 | podcast

Joel, and Alastair chat about Game Boy restoration, and Steam Summer Sale recommendations, then discuss the full Obi-wan Kenobi series, in a special extended episode of The Citadel Cafe.

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Small Talk

Listener Email

FROM: Alistair (With An I)
SUBJECT: Recommendation & Thanks

Dear Joel and Alastair

First of all I’d like to thank you for the recommendations you gave me earlier this year, I’ve seen a few already, but since then I’ve also found a few other good suggestions. 

My personal favorite is, ‘Sweet Tooth’. It’s a post apocalyptic, Netflix original series; although slow paced at times the backdrops are amazing enough to distract you. The plot is unique and interesting although the cliffhangers at the end are killing me. It’s still a great show and the characters are, as the title suggests, very sweet and some of the character arcs are incredible. 


Alistair with an I

FROM: Gold
SUBJECT: Two Free Games On Steam

Hi Joel and Alastair

I found two new, small indie games on Steam, both of them are free. LAY, and Greed. Both games are from Objectif 3D. 

I have only played LAY, and it seems like something that Megan would enjoy. Greed is a dungeon crawler-type game. 

LAY (SteamPowered.com)

Greed (SteamPowered.com)

Would love to hear your thoughts!


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Listener Supported!

The Citadel Cafe is proud to be a listener supported podcast! We appreciate all of our members, with a special thanks to the Bean Counters, Pastry Chefs, Latte Lovers and Baristas who keep the coffee hot and the conversation going.

Cosmic 🌈



Yuriy Taraday


Alastair McFly










The Citadel Cafe records weekly episodes, usually publishing on Wednesdays or Thursdays, pending co-host schedules.

Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

Email the show!