Jun 17, 2021

Alastair joins Joel to speculate on Masters Of The Universe: Revelations, recommend hidden gems, Future Man and Sweet Tooth, and get behind the CW skin of Superman & Lois.

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Small Talk

Listener Email

SUBJECT: Barbecue And Art Motivation

Hi Joel and co-host!

I’ve been listening to Episode 403 recently and wanted to recommend that you try to also smoke vegetables. Ages ago my former flatmate’s dad brought over a home made spread made from smoked eggplant and garlic. Let me tell you,  this stuff was mind blowing. He told me that they simply threw a ton of eggplants on the grill after barbecuing and put a lid over it. Once they were done, they scooped them out, mixed it with crushed garlic and probably a bit of mayonnaise. (I’m not sure anymore, as it’s been a decade).

Also, you mentioned that you find it hard to find motivation to draw for yourself when you’re already drawing on the job. Well, I know that feeling, albeit differently; I’m a software Dev and I used to tinker with my PCs twenty-four-seven, but now that it has been my full time job for a while, I also find it increasingly challenging to find motivation to do similar things that I do at my day job. That’s one of the catches of turning your hobby into your job. I’m afraid I don’t know a solution for this either, but then again, is it so bad to use your time differently? I am honestly not sure. While I’d like to tinker more with the huge amounts of hardware on my desk, I now can bake a pretty amazing pizza and work out more.

Keep up this podcast, I always love to listen in.


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Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

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