Dec 30, 2021

Joel is joined by Alastair, Stephen, Ryan and James for the annual Holiday Roundtable, discussing nerdy plans for the holidays, the growth of explicit content in sci-fi and fantasy media, and the season finale of Hawkeye!

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Small Talk

  • What is the nerdy thing you’re looking forward to doing over the holidays?
  • What nerdy entertainment are you looking forward to over the holidays?
  • What is the nerdiest gift on your wish list?

Listener Email

FROM: Elbe V.
SUBJECT: Is there too much explicit content in media?

Hello The Citadel Cafe!

Late congratulations on 10 years! 

A quick question for you. Do you think that some media for adults is getting maybe a little bit too raunchy? I’ve got this feeling that some adult media got the R-rating, and because of that, they went too far in the direction of sexual content and/or long graphic violence scenes.

Do you think that some directors or creators thought the whole point of adult media was to be explicit?

Or do you think that maybe I’ve just been unlucky and my recent watch history is too small of a sample in the vast ocean of content?

Love the show!

Elbe V.

PS: Did you know that Joel is also a Finnish name? Here, it’s pronounced “yo-el” but written the same  as yours.

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The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern.

Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at

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