Lou and Joel discuss the series finale of WandaVision, and where they think the Marvel universe is taking us next. Plus, preparing for Satisfactory Update 4 and keeping a keen eye on Kena: Bridges of Spirits.
Joel Duggan
Lou Page
Brockett Vola
Support The Citadel Cafe on Patreon
What We’re Watching
- WandaVision (wiki)
- The Scarlet Witch (wiki)
- WandaVision (IMDB)
- Satisfactory (website)
- Update 4 has been released (March 16) since the recording of this episode of The Citadel Cafe on March 10, 2021.
- Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes (reddit/satisfactorygame)
- Coffee Stain Studios on YouTube (Adult language)
Internet Minute
- Kena: Bridges of Spirits (Epic Games Affiliate Link)
- If you’re thinking of picking up Kena: Bridges of Spriits, consider using Joel’s Epic Creator Code. Joel gets a small affiliate commission when you use the code “joelduggan” at checkout.
The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern.
Kevin Macleod
Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.