Dec 18, 2020

Joel welcomes guests Ryan, Alastair, Stephen, and James to talk about their nerdy highlights from 2020, what nerdom they’re looking forward to in 2021, and the bantha sized content droppings from the Disney+ Investor Day.

End credits:
Imperial March – Carol of the Bells by AtinPiano (YouTube)

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Holiday Roundtable

FROM: Cosmic
SUBJECT: Disney+ News!

Hello my favourite bunch of nerdy folks! 

I hope this email finds you well! Me? I’m just having to have a lie down after catching up with all of the Disney news that was recently announced! (Seriously, I had to watch it over a couple of days because there was so much to take in!)

So – now that we’ve all had time to hopefully absorb all of the news – I’d love to know your thoughts. What are you looking forward to? What were you shocked to see announced? Anything you’re not looking forward to?

I’d list what I’m looking forward to, but there’s too much to mention! For what it’s worth – I’m not feeling the need for another Indiana Jones movie.

Overall I am looking forward to the expansion of the Marvel Universe & The Star Wars Universe – and seeing where these go next.

Hope you all have a wonderful festive season & wishing you all the best for the new year – if anyone asks, let’s just deny all knowledge of 2020 😄


Internet Minute


The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern.

Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at

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