Oct 22, 2020

Joel and Brockett discuss what favourite book they’d like to see turned into a film or series before diving into some Halloween themed recommendations and Joel’s first gun fights of Borderlands 3.

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Small Talk

Listener Email

FROM: The_00Squirrel
SUBJECT: Books To Film Or Series

Hey Joel and co-host,

This email is designed to spark discussions, a bit like the nerd mount rushmore from a while ago. (If you’re wondering, Tony Stark, Legolas, Darth Vader, Frank Moses)

If you could pick one book, or book series, that would get turned into a movie or Netflix series etc. what would it be and why? (Extra challenge if the co-host is Lou: no zombies!)

Keep up the amazing podcasts, and both of you have a great day.

(Stay chunky)


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Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

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