Feb 13, 2020

Lou is back with a tale of a recent trip and his thoughts on Locke and Key on Netflix. Joel has returned to The Expanse and has a space themed LEGO set to share.

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Small Talk

Listener Email

FROM: Mark D.
RE: What could be next in Star Wars?


First off, thank you for such amazing geekiness.

The Star Wars talk, especially the question of what’s next, makes me hope they go in a couple of different directions.

The Darth Bane trilogy would be good. The books are almost cinematic. We’ve had forty plus years of the good guys winning, let’s see a pure Sith story.

Thrawn. I really hope they tap into this character. Ever since he was introduced in the original Timothy Zahn books – I was 18-19 at the time, now 45 – I’ve wanted more.  He’s almost like a space Sherlock Holmes – and he always has a companion who he is teaching. Of the new Star Wars novels, the Thrawn books are some of the better ones.

Again, thank you for the show!



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Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

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