Megan is here to pull back more of the curtain on her creative endeavours on the Heir of Keldonan, Joel tried to watch Justice League Dark and we talk about Next Gen, an upcoming Netflix original animated feature.
Hammond Chamberlain
Lou Page
Brockett Vola
Support The Citadel Cafe on Patreon
Small Talk
- Joel
- (Website)
- DCAF 2018 (Website)
- Strange Adventures (Website)
- Megan
What We’re Watching
- Justice League Dark (Netflix)
- Justice League Dark Trailer (YouTube)
- Next Gen (Netflix)
- Next Gen Trailer (Netflix)
- Next Gen Trailer (YouTube)
What We’re Writing
- Megan
- The Heir of Keldonan
- @HeirOfKeldonan on Instagram
- Races
- Main characters appear to be human. [ dun dun dunnn… ]
- Elf-like race of the Fae
- Other more common fantasy races like dwarves and gnomes.
- Aslenira (The Society of Wizards)
- Acolytes
- High Wizards
- The Arch Wizard
- Inkarnate Map Tool (Website)
- The Heir of Keldonan
Keldonan with Inkarnate
The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern.
Kevin Macleod
Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at