Jun 27, 2017

Brockett swoops in to save this episode of The Citadel Cafe with talk of Marvel Heroes Omega and The Adventures of Superman! Joel flew through the Injustice story videos on YouTube and started streaming Minecraft on Twitch. It’s a fun filled, action packed talk to tide you over while The Citadel Cafe takes a summer break. Up, up and away!

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Small Talk

    • Show notes coming soon… Eventually. Honest.

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Alpha Geek Radio

The mobile audio stream is provided by Alpha Geek Radio.

You can listen to The Citadel Cafe live on the Alpha Geek media mobile app! Point your mobile browser to AlphaGeekMedia.com.

Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

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