Lots of cafe friends stop by the share some of their more nerdy holiday traditions and passtimes. Thanks to everyone who listens and supports the show throughout the year!
Hammond Chamberlain
Lou Page
Brockett Vola
Support The Citadel Cafe on Patreon
Small Talk
- Joel
- Thanks for your patience while we have been moving hosting providers. Will have some show notes for everyone soon. In the mean time, everyone give internet high fives to Ryan Murphy!
Join Us Live
The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern. Swing by and join our live chat.
Alpha Geek Radio
The mobile audio stream is provided by Alpha Geek Radio.
You can listen to The Citadel Cafe live on the Alpha Geek media mobile app! Point your mobile browser to AlphaGeekMedia.com.
Kevin Macleod
Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.