Apr 13, 2016

Lou Page, fresh off the old folks bus (His birthday was yesterday.) joins Old Man Duggan in a Supergirl writing rant that will get the undies you wear outside your pants in a knot. Lou shares his thoughts on Daredevil Season 2 and Joel shares some epic Overwatch cosplay and Game of Thrones related listener email.

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Listener Email


Since my last message was so positively received I figured I’d write again. This time with a question, with Game of Thrones season 6 on the horizon, how are you coping with the uncharted waters we have entered? Are you excited or dreading  not have the books for guidance?

Oddly I find this to have a strange parallel to civil war where the book is there but will likely hold few answers for the movie.




A crash course in music, one band at a time.

Each episode Brian and Hammond will go through a lesser-known band’s history, their discography,
their hits and their misses.

What We’re Watching

Internet Minute




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The Citadel Cafe records live every Wednesday night at 8PM Eastern. Swing by and join our live chat.

Alpha Geek Radio

The mobile audio stream is provided by Alpha Geek Radio.

You can listen to The Citadel Cafe live on Alpha Geek Radio when each episode is being recorded, even when you are away from your home computer.

Point your mobile browser to mobile.alphageekradio.com and tune in to Channel 1 at show time. You can also install the TuneIn.com app for additional mobile features. Simply search for “Alpha Geek Radio” within the app.

Kevin Macleod

Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.

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