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Paul Fox is our guest this week. Through the magic of Skype – and the space time continuum – Paul shares his thoughts on the final season of The Legend of Korra and of course Game of Thrones episode 8 The Gift. Joel gave the second season of The 100 another chance, and a computer learns about cookies. The good kind.
Episode No: 149
Episode Title: Blunt Instrument
Hosts & Guests
- Joel Duggan
- Paul Fox
Small Talk
- Joel
- The 100 (IMDB)
- Paul
- The Legend Of Korra (IMDB)
Movies, TV & Video (Games)
Game of Thrones – Winter is Coming Season 5
Episode 07 – The Gift (wiki) Plot Summary: Jon leaves for Hardhome with Tormund and some rangers. Maester Aemon dies shortly after. Gilly is attacked by two brothers, but Sam comes to her rescue. He is badly beaten, and Gilly tends to him before really tending to him.. Sansa asks Reek to help her escape Winterfell, but Reek instead informs Ramsay, who flays the old lady whom Sansa learned the signal from. At the camp of Stannis’ army, Melisandre asks permission to sacrifice Shireen; Stannis is disgusted and refuses. Jorah and Tyrion are sold as slaves to Yezzan zo Qaggaz. The two are brought to the pits; after defeating the other slaves, Jorah reveals his identity to Daenerys, and that he brought Tyrion Lannister as a gift (for her). Myrcella asks Jaime why he came to rescue her when what she wants is to marry Trystane. Tyene reveals to Bronn that she poisoned him. She gives him the antidote after he names her the world’s most beautiful woman. Olenna is declined by the High Sparrow when she demands Loras and Margaery be released. Later, the High Sparrow reveals to Cersei his knowledge of the relationship between her and Lancel (?) and has her imprisoned. |
- Paul’s thoughts:
The Bad:
- This season has really been dragging on.
- Too many character plots with too little focus.
- e.g. This week’s episode gave us one scene with Jaime and his daughter and that was it. No Jaime and Dr. Bashir, no situation updates, etc.
- The religious uprising parallels across all three kingdoms, sounds good on paper, but has come across as a bit forced.
- No Bran at all…boooo.
The Good:
- Still some great character and world building moments throughout.
- I am really digging the Arya storyline, but they are not giving us nearly enough of that.
- It looks like WINTER IS FINALLY here. Snow is everywhere.
General notes:
Ramsay Bolton
- Character has been set to out-Joffrey Joffrey.
- In terms of direction, Joffrey was much more narratively nuanced. Ramsey is just like a blunt instrument to beat the audience over the head with.
- still getting shut down and victimized.
- The actor is really killing it this season. I’ve actually become sympathetic.
Sam / Gilly
- A near rape scene with Gilly
- but actually Sam gets brutalized this time, in contrast to Sansa from last week.
- An overly long sex scene with Sam and Gilly (even my wife commented it was way too long).
- An overly long sexy time scene with the short haired Tyene Sand and Bron.
- Not much plot development here. We just basically get to see Jaime get treated like an uncle rather than a dad.
- Was hoping for a political confrontation of some sort.
King’s Landing
- Lady Olenna is always great.
- Jonathan Pryce is also great.
- We get to see Cerci’s plot come back to bite here (which was so very predictable).
- Wow this plot seemed very rushed.
- First they were talking about some grand games, but then hey, here’s Danni!
- I really thought they wouldn’t get to see here for another week, but we’ve only got 3 more episodes.
- Makes me think this show needs a 13 episode arc rather than 10.
- Was Ramsey really at the top of the tower? Or was that a jump cut?
- Any chance of a Melissandre defection to the Boltons?
- She said she saw herself on the walls of Winterfell. If Stannis doesn’t sacrifice Shireen, could he be deemed not worthy by the Lord of Light?
- Ghost saves Sam? Bad things to come for Ghost?
- And why didn’t Jon take Ghost? Going back north together seems the smart thing to do.
- Actually, While it may not seem like it, only one of the Stark children has died (Rob). But how many Wolves are left?
- Ghost – Jon Snow
- Nymeria – Arya (run off)
- Summer – Bran
- Shaggydog – Rickon
- Grey Wind – Rob (deceased)
- Lady – Sansa (deceased)
- Actually, While it may not seem like it, only one of the Stark children has died (Rob). But how many Wolves are left?
Internet Minute
- Joel’s Pick
- Meet the first computer system to simulate human learning.
- Paul’s Pick
- Only one month until Netflix release of new season of How to Train Your Dragon! (June 26th).
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Music for The Citadel Cafe was composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find more royalty free music at incompetech.com.
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